Friday, July 28, 2006

Your Beliefs Your Personal Skills!

You define Personal Skills when your beliefs become your reality. That actually happens to everybody when she gets her beliefs from different kinds of cultural backgrounds, progressing from household's principles to society beliefs and learning acquisition.

Practicing maturity during this development from childhood to adolescence to manhood, you'll maintain your sole beliefs which could vary from other people's beliefs. Your beliefs could also meet others' beliefs and create a unified uniform.

Perhaps the most powerful factor in your success is your beliefs. This is what some people call the Law of Beliefs. So this is why you refuse any information coming to you that doesn't reflect positively and work out your reality.

Any contradicted information that has the power to fire away your reality, will get self-defence from your prediction radar. It's your pure sense that tells you to reject.

Positive rejection empowers your Personal Skills. So, powerful decisions become your habits.